ACF Organizational Structure
- NAD ACF Student Reps Guidelines
- Public Campus Ministries Structure Development
- NAD PCM Flowchart
- NAD Public Campus Ministries Manual
Organizing an ACF Chapter
- ACF INSTITUTE: ACF Institute is a week-long campus ministry training sponsored by North American Division Public Campus Ministries for student leaders and supporters focusing on the three main areas of training, networking and resources. Each year a new Journey Series small group bible study is introduced supporting the Institute theme. Programming includes morning bible study, general sessions, workshops on campus outreach and issues related to students and campus.
- Adventist Learning Community:
Adventist Christian Fellowship – Public Campus Ministries - ACF Playbook 2020: Practical ideas to assist each of chapters in planning for and conducting ministry in a pandemic world. Download PDF | Training Video
Find a Church
Looking for a church in the area where you will go to college? Find one at this interactive map of churches in the North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists.
Launching, Growing, and Sustaining Your ACF Chapter

ACF Official Strategy Guide
Included in this guide is everything you need to know about conceptualizing your club alongside practical tutorials for running it well. We’ll take you through theming, vision, building relationships, and even how to best transition your club’s leadership into the next generation.

ACF First Year Student Survival Guide
Your first year on campus is an exciting time! You have new freedoms, new responsibilities, the chance to get to explore a new city, make friends, meet new professors, get acquainted with your course material and discover the endless possibilities life has to offer… come to think of it, how does one navigate all of these things? No need to fear, friend – that’s where this Survival Guide comes in handy!
Journey Series Bible Study Guides
Journey is more about the experience along the way and less about getting there. That is definitely true about every series in the Journey Small Group Bible Study. Journey was developed as a tool to help students dig into scripture together. Each lesson includes an introductory story, ice breaker questions, the bible passage for study and discussion, additional questions for a recap meeting during the week and background material to dig even deeper. Journey gets us into the bible, challenges our understanding of God and his mission while deepening our relationships with one another. If your looking for weekly program and bible study material you need to check out Journey.
These Journey Series Bible Study PDF resources are downloadable and are also available for purchase in hard copies through AdventSource.
- Invitation: Begins the journey in the Gospel of John as Jesus invites us to come learn more about his message and mission. Come and see!
Leader Guide: PDF | Purchase
Participant Guide: PDF | Purchase - Greater Things: Is a deeper look at discipleship with Jesus from the perspective of Matthew the tax collector – the most unlikely disciple.
Leader Guide: PDF | Purchase
Participant Guide: PDF | Purchase - Cherishing God: We may know about God, but do we cherish him? As we look closely in Cherishing God at the high points of scripture we deeper into the character of God to learn why we love him so.
Leader Guide: PDF | Purchase
Participant Guide: PDF | Purchase - Acts on Campus: Jesus told his followers to go and change the world by sharing his life with everyone. Students who love and follow Jesus have the same mission. Acts on Campus highlights some of the important steps for sharing Jesus today.
Leader Guide: PDF | Purchase
Participant Guide: PDF | Purchase - Characters Who Made a Difference: The bible tells the story of God through stories of people like Abraham, Deborah, Barnabas, John, Ruth and Matthew. Each bible character provides a unique window into who God is through their interaction with him. If God can work through these individuals and others like them he can use us to make a difference on campus or where we live!
Leader Guide: PDF | Purchase
Participant Guide: PDF | Purchase - Before All Things: The spiritual issues that Paul addressed in the Colossian house church are similar to those on today’s campus. Paul is inviting us to come out of the shadows and live in the greater life of Christ and his love. He is before all things!
Leader Guide: PDF | Purchase
Participant Guide: PDF | Purchase - Everything Under the
SUNSON: In Ecclesiastes Solomon lamented the meaninglessness of life. Life under the sun was only a vapor – dust in the wind! But the gospel of Jesus Christ tells a different story – the story of an eternal future where everything has meaning and our life can only be estimated by the life of God himself. Which account of life is true? Both! It all depends which sun/Son your under. Everything Under the Son: Studies In Ecclesiastes compares life with and without Christ.
Leader Guide: PDF | Purchase
Participant Guide: PDF | Purchase - Christ on Campus: Christ on Campus is about Christ on the street, Jesus in person, God on campus! It’s about the great reversal of God’s kingdom; the leaven of God’s grace permeating the dough of common life impacting and elevating our daily existence.
Leader Guide: PDF | Purchase
Participant Guide: PDF | Purchase - The Good Life: What truly constitutes a “good life”? Is it the American dream? As Millennials and GenZers come of age amidst economic recessions, a global pandemic, skyrocketing mortgage rates, dwindling job security, postponed marriage and family plans, and insurmountable student debt, this question takes on renewed urgency.
Leader Guide: PDF | Purchase
Participant Guide: PDF | Purchase - Leading from the Wall: What can Nehemiah teach us about transformational leadership on campus? Nehemiah led from the ruins amidst broken down walls and continuing attack from inside and outside forces. Building spiritual communities on secular campuses is not unlike rebuilding walls that have been rammed and broken down.
Leader Guide: PDF | Purchase
Participant Guide: PDF | Purchase
Branding Materials
ACF Logo:
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